We are a community-controlled effort to build an inclusive, culturally competent, and ever-evolving neighbourhood.

我们的唐人街位于被盗取的原住民土地上。这些土地、空气和水域的祖先、传统和当代看护者是克萊迪特国族的米西索加和其他原住民,包括阿尼希纳比, 奇帕瓦, 豪德诺索尼和温达等民族。
Our Chinatowns are situated on stolen Indigenous land. The ancestral, traditional, and contemporary caretakers of these lands, air, and waters are the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and other Anishinaabe peoples, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat.

在多倫多,現在被稱為唐人街西區的地方的士巴丹拿道沿線,其根源是奧吉布韋語 "Ishpadinaa"(ish-pah-di-naw),意思是 "山丘或土地的突然升高"。
In Toronto, what is now called Chinatown West is located along Spadina Ave which has its roots in the Ojibwe word "Ishpadinaa" (ish-pah-di-naw) which means "hill or sudden rise in the land."

Our work as a community land trust concerns the use of land, and the way we govern our work aims to respect existing models exemplified by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Anishinaabeg to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

電郵聯絡 Contact us at
info @ chinatownlandtrust.ca



Apply or Pay for your Membership

成为多伦多唐人街土地信托会员! 这是您加入/更新年度会员身份的页面。
Become a Toronto Chinatown Land Trust member! This is the page where you join/renew your annual membership status.

Members are able to vote, receive news, attend members' meetings, run for the board, and are awesome.

What type of membership should I get?

  • 社区会员(有投票权)- 每年 $8
  • Community Membership (Voting) - $8 Annually
    • 任何在大多伦多地区生活和/或工作,并与多伦多唐人街相关的人士.
    • Individuals living and working within the GTA with a personal interest in Chinatown

  • 支持者会员(无投票权)- 每年 $88
  • Supporter Membership (Non-Voting) - $88 Annually
    • 在大多伦多地区以外生活和工作,并只希望接收新消息、参与活动,以及总体上支持我们的任何人士。
    • Organizations, businesses, and associations with an organizational interest in Chinatown
    • Individuals outside of the GTA with a personal interest in Chinatown

Members must be in good standing (including having paid their dues in full) at the time of the AGM in order to participate in the meeting

Here is a link to the full bylaws of our organization in detail:

Requesting Fee Waiver
  • 如果您支付会员年费,请不要担心!您只需在此注册:︎
  • If you cannot afford the $8 annual membership fee please do not sweat it! Simply sign up here: ︎

  • 会员费为每年 8 元或 88 元。 任何超出相应会员费的金额将被视为捐款,并将用于支持我们免除当年无法捐款的其他会员的会员年费。 Memberships are $8 or $88 per year. Any amounts paid in the form below over the respective membership fee will be considered a donation and will be used to support our ability to waive the annual membership fee for other members who are unable to contribute that year.

  • 准会员可以使用此表格申请成为会员。 经董事会批准后接受会员Prospective members may use this form to apply to become a member. Members are accepted on the approval of the Board of Directors at their next regular meeting. 

  • 任何未被接纳为会员的申请人将被退还其会费。Any applicants who are not accepted for membership will be refunded their dues.