The Toronto Chinatown Land Trust (TCLT) was born out of many years of organizing and consideration by the grassroots group Friends of Chinatown Toronto (FOCT). FOCT formed in 2019 in response to the rapid growth of developments and real estate speculation in the downtown Chinatown neighbourhood. As such, FOCT was and remains strongly motivated by the need to fight for and preserve housing affordability and community services that Chinatown provides.

Over several years FOCT, with other partners, conducted community-based research to document patterns of neighbourhood change, gentrification, and displacement within downtown Chinatown. A consensus was built around community land trusts as a potential model for preserving community-controlled housing, and a strategy that racialized neighbourhoods have historically used to preserve culturally competent services and spaces. 

In 2023 on Lunar New Year’s Day (Rabbit/Cat Year), the TCLT was incorporated to become a non-profit-organization devoted to removing land from the speculative real-estate market and stewarding affordable housing.

Moving forward, FOCT and the TCLT are two separate organizations. Any future collaboration between the two organizations will be based on mutual consensus. The TCLT will continue to work closely alongside other community groups and neighbours as well.

What we do 我们是什么

- or, a mission statement 或,宗旨
The Toronto Chinatown Land Trust (TCLT) is a community-controlled effort to build an inclusive, culturally competent, and ever-evolving Chinatown in Toronto. We acquire, develop and steward land, in perpetuity, for community needs and benefit. These needs include but are not limited to: 多伦多唐人街社区土地信托是一项由社区控制的项目,旨在在多倫多建立一個备有包容性、文化競爭力,并且不斷进展的唐人街。我们收购、开发和管理土地,以满足社区需求和利益。这些需求包括,但不限于:
  • Developing relationships with Indigenous peoples and groups in order to contribute to their needs and goals as it relates to pursuing land back and cultural resurgence in Chinatown. 建立与原住民的关系,以满足他们有关唐人街的土地回归和文化复兴的需求和目标。
  • Democratically controlled and deeply affordable housing. 提供受民主控制且经济适用的住房。
  • Culturally competent and multilingual, affordable resources that serve low-income, racialized people, and/or newcomers to Canada. 建立具有文化能力、多语言、经济适中的资源,为低收入、种族群体和/或加拿大新移民提供服务。
  • Supporting the evolution of Chinatown’s traditional mutual aid societies and existing support networks. 支持发展唐人街的传统互助社团和现有支持网络。
  • Education in Chinatown about Indigenous land back movements, alternatives to speculative markets and private property, and community-controlled strategies for anti-displacement. 在唐人街教育有关原住民土地收回运动、投机市场和私有财产的替代方案,以及社区控制的反失所策略。

Why we do what we do 我们为何

- or, a vision statement 或,愿景
To build community power in Chinatown by taking properties off the speculative real estate market and  holding resources and assets for working-class people, towards economic and racial justice. 通过从投机性房地产市场撤回房产并为工薪阶层持有资源和资产,在唐人街建立社区力量,以及实现经济和种族正义

How we do what we do 我们如何 

- or, our guiding principles 或, 我们的指引 

Anti-Colonial 反殖民主义

We operate on the knowledge that Chinatown is situated on stolen Indigenous land. We prioritize relationship building and direct relational accountability with Indigenous communities in our work. We seek out opportunities to align our organisation’s work with the indigenous-led Land Back movement. We also seek to avoid replicating culturally specific dynamics from imperialist and colonial contexts community members are connected to elsewhere in the world. 我们承认唐人街位于被盗的原住民土地上。 因此在我们的工作中,我们优先考虑与原住民社区建立关系与执行直系问责制。 我们确保我们组织的工作与原住民领导的土地回归运动保持一致。 我们还力求避免复制帝国主义和殖民背景中的特定文化动态。

Chinatown Centered 以唐人街为中心

Our work is dedicated to the diasporic communities that access the multiple Chinatowns across the GTA, with a starting focus on the downtown Chinatown centred at Spadina and Dundas. We are committed to continuous learning around the historical, colonial contexts that inform and impact present-day Chinatown, and to constantly work to dismantle these dynamics. 我们的工作致力于服务大多伦多地区多个唐人街的侨民社区,并以士巴丹拿 (Spadina) 和登打士 (Dundas) 为中心的市中心唐人街为起点。 我们致力于不断学习影响当今唐人街的历史和殖民背景,并不断努力消除这些动态。

Multilingual & Culturally Competent 多语言及具有文化能力

We seek to be inclusive and accessible to new immigrants and those who face barriers to English and French language systems. We operate according to anti-racist values, with awareness of the historical forces that have shaped Chinatowns and immigration. We seek to facilitate and cultivate intergenerational, multi-lingual participation. 我们力求包容和面向新移民以及在英语和法语语言系统方面面临障碍的人士。 我们根据反种族主义价值观工作,并致力于了解塑造唐人街和移民动态的历史力量。 我们旨在促进和培养跨代及多语言参与。

Tenants & Workers First 以租户和工薪阶层为先

We operate primarily for the benefit of tenants and working-class people. We prioritize taking property out of the capitalist, speculative real estate market system for perpetuity. We prioritize building housing security for tenants. 我们的运营主要是为了租户和工薪阶层的利益。 因此,我们优先考虑将房产永久地从资本主义的投机性房地产市场体系中撤回,并优先为租户建立住房保障。

Community Controlled 社区控制

We are led and stewarded by the community, following principles of mutual aid. We are commited to strengthening relationships with values-aligned movements outside Chinatown. We build capacity, and share knowledge within our membership. Our priorities and decisions are directed by the democratic consensus of our membership. We are accountable to our membership, values-aligned partners and elected board. 我们的工作是由社区领导和管理,并遵循着互助原则。 我们致力于加强与唐人街以外价值观一致运动的关系。 我们在会员内部培养能力并分享知识。 我们的优先事项和决定是由我们会员的民主共识指导的。 我们对我们的会员、当选的董事会和决策者负有责任。